The calm before the storm of next week's half-season finale, The Power of Three is a fun, fluffy adventure that struggles with its resolution, but still manages to provide a nostalgic and heartwarming penultimate outing for the Ponds.
As Amy states in the episode's opening narration, this is the story of the time the Doctor came to stay. When millions of small black cubes arrive on Earth overnight, the Doctor moves in with the Ponds to ascertain the exact nature of the inanimate invaders. As time passes and humanity begins to assimilate the cubes into their everyday lives, the Ponds start to wonder if the mystery of the slow invasion will ever be solved...
Perhaps the most enthusiastic investigator of the cubes is Rory's dad, the returning talent of Mark Williams. Last heard from on the Jurassic planet of Siluria in Dinosaurs on a Spaceship's closing moments, Brian lends the episode several of its finer humorous elements - 'Brian's log' being my particular favourite - but he also gets to deliver some very heartfelt lines, the most memorable of which being his closing speech to Amy and Rory. Far from being one-dimensional, or comic relief, Brian has swiftly become a genuinely lovable character, and it's a real shame that this is likely to be the last we see of him. Fortunately, the same cannot be said for Kate Stewart, UNIT's new scientific adviser and one of the highlights of The Power of Three. Jenna Redgrave's performance as the assured, intelligent commander is an absolute joy to watch, and I think it was a very wise move to leave her character open to return. Though she gets a fair amount of screen time, and her history with the Doctor is both touching and punch-the-air cool, she isn't really the main focus of the episode and it would be wonderful to see her return in future UNIT stories, perhaps to flesh out her character a little more.
That isn't to say, though, that any of the eponymous three are anything other than on top form. Matt Smith, Karen Gillan and Arthur Darvill have been sharing the screen for more than two years now, and their innate chemistry continues to make their scenes together sparkle, from eating fish fingers and custard on the couch to the Doctor's impassioned speech about 'running towards things before they flare and fade'. This scene, incidentally, is one of writer Chris Chibnall's highest points - I haven't really been massively fond of his previous works, from 42 to The Hungry Earth and Cold Blood, and more recently Dinosaurs on a Spaceship, but the Doctor and Amy's quiet talk in front of the tower of London here is most certainly his finest contribution to the show. It captures quite brilliantly the depth and soul of their relationship, and it sheds a more optimistic light on one facet of the Doctor's personality - he isn't running away, trying to escape his past; he's running forwards, building the best future for himself and his friends by showing them everything the universe has to offer. This speech, like so many of the tender moments between the Doctor and the Ponds in this story, is only made more moving with the knowledge that next week will see Amy and Rory's final adventure.
Though the characters and performances of this episode were memorable, the story's other main plot - the invasion of the very small cubes - could have been handled a little more deftly. While the initial slow rise of tension as the episode progressed was very well done, and the cubes were actually rather menacing and unnerving by the episode's end, the resolution and reason for them being there was very weak and badly explained. As intriguing a villain as the Shakri was, with the Doctor's mutterings of Gallifreyan myths and 'the pest controllers of the universe', their actual role and motivation was pretty poorly written. Aside from a reference to 'the Tally', a judgement day-esque event (perhaps meant to play on the idea of the 2012 apocalypse?) which they supposedly serve, the Shakri really had no reason to be assaulting the human race. Furthermore, the two grill-mouthed orderlies, working for the Shakri and hiding in the hospital, were equally unexplained; what were they? What purpose did they serve? Were they Shakri themselves, or just minions? Were they alien, robots, something different? Answers never come, which is especially frustrating as there was plenty of spare time to write in some exposition - The Power of Three ran a little short, at around 40 minutes, so it isn't as if they had to cut explanations due to time constraints. In addition, after all the build up involving the cubes, their real purpose is a bit of a let down - after all of their research, investigating every aspect of humanity's strengths and weaknesses, their only purpose was as a weapon, to wipe out the people of Earth. Whether or not the Shakri really needed a whole year to figure out that heart attacks equal dead people is a question that's on shaky ground, and I think perhaps the villain's plot needed to be a little more intelligent and unusual to justify such thorough research via cubes.
But something that bothered me even more than this week's substandard villain was the Doctor's 'reset button'; literally, all the Doctor does to defeat the Shakri, reverse the effects of the cubes and save planet Earth is point the sonic screwdriver at a computer screen and babble. As far as resolutions go, this smacks of a writer who's reached the climax of his script and realised he has nothing to offer for an ending. While it's true that much of Doctor Who's storytelling comes down to technobabble and made-up words, the show almost always surpasses that, skilfully twining the plot threads together in a pattern so intricate that it's easy to look past the gibberish and see the true brilliance of the characters and their actions. This story's ending, however, lacks this quality, and instead seems to have been hastily knotted and held together with a paper clip. It's fortunate, then, that the episode's other ending is far less fumbled and far more enjoyable; after a full year of trying to cope with real life and Doctor life slowly merging, the Ponds finally decide (with a little help from Brian) to go off travelling with the Doctor full-time once more. It's here, with a clever bit of wordplay, that The Power of Three subtly connects its two stories together through its title; the year that the Earth got cubed, and the perfect number for adventuring in time and space. In the final moments of the story, with that last shot of the time-travelling trio framed by the TARDIS (one of many excellent angles in a story laden with smart, kinetic direction), this episode almost feels like a precursor for another set of wondrous adventures with the Ponds, resolving their series arc of losing interest in the Doctor and his travelling and rejoining him on his exploration of the universe. But as we are all only too painfully aware, these happy days for Amy and Rory cannot last forever - the lights are flickering, and the Angels are almost upon them...
If you enjoyed my review of The Power of Three, then please do leave me a comment letting me know what you thought. You can also find me on twitter and tumblr if you like, or read my reviews for the other stories from this series - Asylum of the Daleks, Dinosaurs on a Spaceship and last week's A Town Called Mercy. Last but not least, thank you for reading, and I hope to see you again soon for my review of The Angels Take Manhattan!
Sunday, 23 September 2012
Ravens of Death
Doctor Who,
Matt Smith,
The Power of Three

Sunday, 16 September 2012
Good Point, Susan
His fourth foray into the Doctor Who universe, Toby Whithouse once
again shows off his innate talent in writing dialogue and characters;
visually stunning and ingeniously scripted, A Town Called Mercy is both an excellent Who take on the Western genre and a surprisingly complex study of the Doctor's ambiguous morality.
The backdrop for this character study is Mercy, an old western town under attack from a lone cybernetic figure known as the Gunslinger. His target is Kahler-Jex, an alien surgeon who's taken up residence in the town following the crash-landing of his ship on Earth. The origins of the Gunslinger - and what Jex has done to incur his wrath - are both mysteries to be solved by the Doctor and the Ponds, who've arrived in Mercy to find the town at breaking point, their supplies depleted, the Gunslinger waiting ominously beyond their borders. As he investigates, the Doctor uncovers the truth about Jex's dark past; a past that's uncomfortably similar to his own.
The driving force in this story is the Doctor's character arc - travelling sans the Ponds for so long has left him distant and dispassionate, as evidenced in his treatment of Solomon in last week's Dinosaurs on a Spaceship, and as a result we see here a much darker side to him, a hint of the Time Lord Victorious last witnessed at the tail end of Tennant's era. Matt Smith is at the top of his game; whilst there's still plenty of humour to be found in his performance ('His name is Susan, and he wants you to respect his life choices!'), there's also anger and vengeance, particularly in his scenes with Adrian Scarborough's Jex. These two alien doctors crackle off of each other, debating morality and reformation in a manner that invokes Whithouse's sensational Being Human series, in particular the character of Mitchell. Jex is, as he states in the episode, very much a distorted reflection of the Doctor; filled with rage, guilt and solitude, tainted with the horrific atrocities of his past and desperate to repent. Ultimately, it is these similarities between them that drives the Doctor over the edge, that forces him to pick up a revolver and threaten to hand Jex over to the Gunslinger. This, I think, is the true genius of this episode - whereas in any over scenario the Doctor's actions would have been horrifically out of character, in A Town Called Mercy they are completely justified because the Doctor sees himself in Kahler-Jex. The Doctor has always feared himself more than any of his enemies; even more so than Whithouse's previous story, The God Complex, this episode drives that point home.
However, it simply wouldn't be Doctor Who if anger and hatred won out over compassion, and so it falls to Amy to realign the Doctor's moral compass. Her confrontation with the Doctor is written and portrayed with sincerity, and as with last week's episode we see that Amy has very much been shaped as a person by her travels with the Doctor, standing up for the condemned when even her closest friend wants him dead. This strength of morals, the clear view of what's right and what's wrong - 'this is not how we roll, and you know it' - is a role that would usually fall to the Doctor himself, so it's very telling to see him instead be reprimanded by his companion after he's been travelling alone for so long. 'My friends have always been the best of me,' the Doctor once said; a statement that has never been more true than here. It's a shame, then, that Gillan is given little else to do outside of counterbalancing the Doctor's rage, while Rory is similarly underused throughout the story. Though it's perfectly reasonable to have an episode focus more on the Doctor than his friends, with the final days of the Ponds approaching it seemed rather unusual to have them play relatively minor roles in one of their last adventures with the Doctor.
Though this dark twist to the Doctor's persona is the crux of the story, it resolves itself around the two-thirds mark. Fortunately, the episode's other story, of the cyborg Gunslinger on its hunt for justice, is there to pick up the slack, and for the most part it succeeds. This is the part of the story that really embraces the western genre; from the moment the Doctor sidles through the saloon doors, to his high noon showdown against the Gunslinger, it's clear that the production team are clever enough to pay homage to the genre without feeling cliched or tacky. Isaac, Mercy's concerned sheriff, could have been very one-note and caricatured, but thanks to Ben Browder's lovely performance and the elegant flow of the dialogue, he is instead a genuinely likable character. Moreover, many of the tropes of the western are subverted here, resulting both in comedy and drama - the lone journey through the desert on horseback, for example, becomes a lot less lonely when the Doctor starts conversing with his horse, and having him whip the sonic screwdriver from his holster during the showdown, instead of the pistol he so infamously brandished earlier in the episode, was another fun addition. It also helped that the production value of the story was so high, with everything from the direction to the set design feeling very polished. The location filming in Spain qualifies the story as a genuine spaghetti western, having been shot in the same province as the famous Fistful of Dollars film trilogy, lending the episode an air of authenticity that no studio stage can replicate. Furthermore, Murray Gold produces some of his finest work here - his music is always to a high standard, but this episode in particular encapsulates his talent, with two particularly powerful pieces being the Gunslinger's hostile, electronic theme and the stylised, slightly haunting underscore that plays as the TARDIS trio first enter Mercy.
Ultimately, the two plotlines - The Doctor's strengthening violent streak and the Gunslinger's quest for revenge - dovetail together in Khaler-Jex's escape from Mercy. The entire scene is so wonderfully revealing of the Doctor's character; despite his immense dislike for Jex, the Doctor urges him to flee rather than face the consequences of his actions, yells for him to leave Earth and escape his cybernetic assailant. Why? Because this is exactly what the Doctor does. He travels onwards, running from his past and the terrible things he's done, searching for a way to help people so he can repent for his sins. Once again, Jex acts as a mirror to the Doctor; but rather than run, he chooses death, decides to end the violence and chaos he has caused by sacrificing himself. The significance of this single act is phenomenal - for all the people he helped, and all the suffering he stopped, Jex still ultimately decided that the world would be a more peaceful place with him gone. Why, do you think, is the Doctor forever so eager to sacrifice himself to save others? Is it pure heroism, or is there a part of him that thinks the universe would be a better place if he wasn't around? These questions, amongst others, are most likely to be left unanswered for the time being, but there's no doubt that Whithouse has once again presented us with a thoroughly fascinating insight into our favourite Time Lord.
There's a common theme running through the stories Toby Whithouse has produced for Doctor Who since its revival in 2005. School Reunion sees the Doctor explaining in pained tones why he so often leaves his companions behind; Vampires in Venice has Rory angered that the Doctor 'makes people want to impress him'; and the Doctor's desire the save people, his very own god complex, is explored in, well, The God Complex. It seems that Whithouse's talents lie in exploring the depths of a character's thoughts and motivations, and - while this series' arc seems to take the question of 'Doctor Who?' a little more literally - in A Town Called Mercy, we are in many ways given a piece of the answer, in coming another step closer to understanding the fascinating character of the Doctor.
If you've enjoyed my review, please feel free to read my reviews of the other stories from this series - Asylum of the Daleks and Dinosaurs on a Spaceship. You can also, if the mood takes you, follow me on twitter or tumblr. Thank you for reading, and I'll hopefully see you next week with my review of The Power of Three.
The backdrop for this character study is Mercy, an old western town under attack from a lone cybernetic figure known as the Gunslinger. His target is Kahler-Jex, an alien surgeon who's taken up residence in the town following the crash-landing of his ship on Earth. The origins of the Gunslinger - and what Jex has done to incur his wrath - are both mysteries to be solved by the Doctor and the Ponds, who've arrived in Mercy to find the town at breaking point, their supplies depleted, the Gunslinger waiting ominously beyond their borders. As he investigates, the Doctor uncovers the truth about Jex's dark past; a past that's uncomfortably similar to his own.
The driving force in this story is the Doctor's character arc - travelling sans the Ponds for so long has left him distant and dispassionate, as evidenced in his treatment of Solomon in last week's Dinosaurs on a Spaceship, and as a result we see here a much darker side to him, a hint of the Time Lord Victorious last witnessed at the tail end of Tennant's era. Matt Smith is at the top of his game; whilst there's still plenty of humour to be found in his performance ('His name is Susan, and he wants you to respect his life choices!'), there's also anger and vengeance, particularly in his scenes with Adrian Scarborough's Jex. These two alien doctors crackle off of each other, debating morality and reformation in a manner that invokes Whithouse's sensational Being Human series, in particular the character of Mitchell. Jex is, as he states in the episode, very much a distorted reflection of the Doctor; filled with rage, guilt and solitude, tainted with the horrific atrocities of his past and desperate to repent. Ultimately, it is these similarities between them that drives the Doctor over the edge, that forces him to pick up a revolver and threaten to hand Jex over to the Gunslinger. This, I think, is the true genius of this episode - whereas in any over scenario the Doctor's actions would have been horrifically out of character, in A Town Called Mercy they are completely justified because the Doctor sees himself in Kahler-Jex. The Doctor has always feared himself more than any of his enemies; even more so than Whithouse's previous story, The God Complex, this episode drives that point home.
However, it simply wouldn't be Doctor Who if anger and hatred won out over compassion, and so it falls to Amy to realign the Doctor's moral compass. Her confrontation with the Doctor is written and portrayed with sincerity, and as with last week's episode we see that Amy has very much been shaped as a person by her travels with the Doctor, standing up for the condemned when even her closest friend wants him dead. This strength of morals, the clear view of what's right and what's wrong - 'this is not how we roll, and you know it' - is a role that would usually fall to the Doctor himself, so it's very telling to see him instead be reprimanded by his companion after he's been travelling alone for so long. 'My friends have always been the best of me,' the Doctor once said; a statement that has never been more true than here. It's a shame, then, that Gillan is given little else to do outside of counterbalancing the Doctor's rage, while Rory is similarly underused throughout the story. Though it's perfectly reasonable to have an episode focus more on the Doctor than his friends, with the final days of the Ponds approaching it seemed rather unusual to have them play relatively minor roles in one of their last adventures with the Doctor.
Though this dark twist to the Doctor's persona is the crux of the story, it resolves itself around the two-thirds mark. Fortunately, the episode's other story, of the cyborg Gunslinger on its hunt for justice, is there to pick up the slack, and for the most part it succeeds. This is the part of the story that really embraces the western genre; from the moment the Doctor sidles through the saloon doors, to his high noon showdown against the Gunslinger, it's clear that the production team are clever enough to pay homage to the genre without feeling cliched or tacky. Isaac, Mercy's concerned sheriff, could have been very one-note and caricatured, but thanks to Ben Browder's lovely performance and the elegant flow of the dialogue, he is instead a genuinely likable character. Moreover, many of the tropes of the western are subverted here, resulting both in comedy and drama - the lone journey through the desert on horseback, for example, becomes a lot less lonely when the Doctor starts conversing with his horse, and having him whip the sonic screwdriver from his holster during the showdown, instead of the pistol he so infamously brandished earlier in the episode, was another fun addition. It also helped that the production value of the story was so high, with everything from the direction to the set design feeling very polished. The location filming in Spain qualifies the story as a genuine spaghetti western, having been shot in the same province as the famous Fistful of Dollars film trilogy, lending the episode an air of authenticity that no studio stage can replicate. Furthermore, Murray Gold produces some of his finest work here - his music is always to a high standard, but this episode in particular encapsulates his talent, with two particularly powerful pieces being the Gunslinger's hostile, electronic theme and the stylised, slightly haunting underscore that plays as the TARDIS trio first enter Mercy.
Ultimately, the two plotlines - The Doctor's strengthening violent streak and the Gunslinger's quest for revenge - dovetail together in Khaler-Jex's escape from Mercy. The entire scene is so wonderfully revealing of the Doctor's character; despite his immense dislike for Jex, the Doctor urges him to flee rather than face the consequences of his actions, yells for him to leave Earth and escape his cybernetic assailant. Why? Because this is exactly what the Doctor does. He travels onwards, running from his past and the terrible things he's done, searching for a way to help people so he can repent for his sins. Once again, Jex acts as a mirror to the Doctor; but rather than run, he chooses death, decides to end the violence and chaos he has caused by sacrificing himself. The significance of this single act is phenomenal - for all the people he helped, and all the suffering he stopped, Jex still ultimately decided that the world would be a more peaceful place with him gone. Why, do you think, is the Doctor forever so eager to sacrifice himself to save others? Is it pure heroism, or is there a part of him that thinks the universe would be a better place if he wasn't around? These questions, amongst others, are most likely to be left unanswered for the time being, but there's no doubt that Whithouse has once again presented us with a thoroughly fascinating insight into our favourite Time Lord.
There's a common theme running through the stories Toby Whithouse has produced for Doctor Who since its revival in 2005. School Reunion sees the Doctor explaining in pained tones why he so often leaves his companions behind; Vampires in Venice has Rory angered that the Doctor 'makes people want to impress him'; and the Doctor's desire the save people, his very own god complex, is explored in, well, The God Complex. It seems that Whithouse's talents lie in exploring the depths of a character's thoughts and motivations, and - while this series' arc seems to take the question of 'Doctor Who?' a little more literally - in A Town Called Mercy, we are in many ways given a piece of the answer, in coming another step closer to understanding the fascinating character of the Doctor.
If you've enjoyed my review, please feel free to read my reviews of the other stories from this series - Asylum of the Daleks and Dinosaurs on a Spaceship. You can also, if the mood takes you, follow me on twitter or tumblr. Thank you for reading, and I'll hopefully see you next week with my review of The Power of Three.
A Town Called Mercy,
Doctor Who,
Matt Smith,

Sunday, 9 September 2012
Popping Out For Some Liqourice
Dinosaurs on a Spaceship was never going to be a
game-changer; a romp at heart, this is a story designed to be mindless
entertainment on a Saturday night. Despite that, it feels slightly
disappointing, an episode of mishandled moments and wasted potential.
The story kicks off with a speedy sequence of time jumps, as the Doctor hops around history picking up a Scooby Doo gang of characters to join him on his latest adventure. There’s the Egyptian queen Nefertiti, Edwardian explorer Riddell, and of course Amy and Rory (plus an unexpected guest in the form of Rory’s dad Brian, whom the TARDIS materialises around while he’s busy changing a light bulb). Without wasting any time, the episode gets right to the meat of the matter; the dinosaurs themselves, rendered with excellent CGI, who appear before the titles have even rolled, trapped aboard an ancient spacecraft on a crash course with Earth.
It seems like the set-up for a fun, simplistic but enjoyable episode, but unfortunately there are several flaws in Dinosaurs on a Spaceship, which let the story down and make it feel like a huge missed opportunity. Its biggest issue is the unevenness of the tone - one minute, The Doctor, Rory and Brian are comically riding a Triceratops as a method of escape while bickering robots (voiced by comedy duo Mitchell and Webb) chase behind them; the next, that same Triceratops is brutally gunned down by the robots, just so Solomon - their melodramatically malicious commander - can make a point. Portrayed by David Bradley, Solomon was another weak point in this story for me, his villainy and malevolence seeming decidedly over the top and unnecessary. When the Doctor doesn’t immediately help fix the pirate’s injured legs, he has the robots shoot at Brian as a form of coercion. Surely, not a smart move to anger the only man who can mend his crippling injuries? On many occasions it felt as though Bradley and the script were trying too hard to make Solomon seem despicable and evil, and although that plays into a moment towards the end of the episode that I’ll talk about later, it felt extremely out of place in an otherwise light-hearted story.
Though Bradley’s character was a little unsuitable for such a cheery episode, Mark Williams fitted in perfectly with his depiction of Brian. A practical, somewhat sheltered man, his interactions with Rory provided more than one heartwarming moment throughout the story, helped out enormously by the wonderful chemistry between Williams and Darvill, who honestly do feel like father and son here. Whilst I was expecting a lot more of the relationship-building between the two, the moments we did get (piloting the ship together, ‘it’s all about the pockets in this family’, Brian getting over his fear of travelling) really helped build up the character. I’m looking forward to seeing him return later this series in The Power of Three, where hopefully we’ll gain a little bit more of an insight into his developing relationship with the Ponds, now he knows the truth about their ‘travelling in Thailand’.
Unfortunately, not everybody in the Doctor’s new gang is given as much development and screen time as Brian. While the Doctor is hanging around with Williams senior and junior, Amy is left to explore the ship’s upper levels with Riddell and Nefertiti; this provided for some great dialogue (‘And you, Amy? Are you also a queen?’ ‘Yes. Yes I am.’) and several of their antics had me grinning, such as Riddell awkwardly hopping across a sleeping T-Rex and chuckling as he goes, but sadly neither of these new characters were given much of importance to do, aside from flirt with each other. Riddell’s sole contribution to the group seems to be shooting at things, and Nefertiti’s only real role as a character is to get taken hostage by Solomon in the final act. Though she handles it with a great deal of gusto, and her self-sacrifice for the sake of the dinosaurs is inspiring, the moment is very quickly glossed over and it left me feeling cheated that we got to spend so little time with two potentially very interesting characters.
This under-use of Rupert Graves and Riann Steele is not, I think, the only part of the episode that was mishandled. There were several moments throughout the story that I felt, had they been treated differently, could have made the story much more exciting. Although it was a great ‘ooh!’ moment when the ship was revealed to be Silurian in origin, the Silurians themselves were never really given much of an explanation; to casual viewers, it must have seemed rather baffling that a race of lizard people had inexplicably built an ark for the dinosaurs. With a little more exposition in the Silurian’s dialogue, this confusion could easily have been avoided. Furthermore, the Silurian’s line about ‘all but one of the species are thriving and ready to repopulate’ was something I immediately picked up on - what is the one species in particular that isn’t coping within the artificial environment of the ship, and why not? - but then that plot thread was dropped, and never mentioned again. Perhaps after Asylum of the Daleks, where several innocuous lines turned out to be vital clues (‘where do you get the milk?’), I’m just reading too much into the dialogue, but nonetheless I felt disappointed that this wasn’t picked up on later in the story.
Moreover, there were several plot points, minor and major, that felt just a little bit too convenient to be believable. The biggest example is the spaceship’s controls, which could only be controlled by two people ‘with the same gene code’. If this fact had been dropped in earlier on, perhaps during Solomon’s discussion with the Doctor in the medical bay, then it might have been a little bit less jarring when Rory ‘just so happens’ to have brought his dad along on this occasion. That wasn’t the only thing that threw me about this scene, as I also thought it was rather slow of the Doctor to not pick up immediately on the fact that Brian and Rory would share a gene code. I just feel that overall some of the exposition in this story was a little rushed, and that it wouldn’t have taken anything more than a few quick rewrites to remove many of the small, irritating issues with this episode.
In terms of the overarching story of the season, we do get a lovely little nugget of a scene where the Doctor and Amy discuss how their journeys together are becoming more and more infrequent, and a moment of foreshadowing for Amy and Rory’s imminent departure. More imposing, however, is the Doctor’s final scene with Solomon; the Doctor teleports away from the pirate’s escape ship, leaving him at the mercy of the Indian Space Agency’s heavy weaponry. This ruthless, merciless act on the Doctor’s behalf seems very dark and out of character for Eleven; however, I suspect that this new aspect of his character will be explored in detail, in next week’s A Town Called Mercy. This scene is most likely why writer Chris Chibnall felt the need to make Solomon such a downright evil character, so the Doctor could feasibly be driven to leaving him to die.
I’ve been quite critical of Dinosaurs on a Spaceship, so let me say to finish off that I didn’t hate this episode. There were, after all, plenty of great concepts and moments - the beach engine room, Amy and Riddell fighting off Velociraptors, Brian dangling his legs out into space as he tucks into a sandwich. But, equally so, there were the scenes that just didn’t sit right. The humour of the two robots, which often fell flat, and the Triceratops’ ridiculous obsession with Brian’s golf balls (Seriously? The ‘grassy residue’ on the balls was enough to make a fully grown dinosaur gallop after them in hunger?). The reason I’m being rather harsh on this story is because I can feel the potential here, the great romp of an episode that lies underneath the niggling flaws and whiplashing tone. Dinosaurs on a Spaceship is a troubled story, and it deserved to be better than it turned out to be. Still; it’s better than golf.
If you enjoyed this review, please consider following me on tumblr or twitter, or reading my review of last week’s Asylum of the Daleks. I'm actually very happy to say that this is my landmark 50th post on this blog! I've been doing this since last June, and - aside from the whole 'five month hiatus' from April to September - I think I've been doing okay. Here's to fifty more posts! Thank you for reading, and feel free to leave a comment letting me know what you thought.
The story kicks off with a speedy sequence of time jumps, as the Doctor hops around history picking up a Scooby Doo gang of characters to join him on his latest adventure. There’s the Egyptian queen Nefertiti, Edwardian explorer Riddell, and of course Amy and Rory (plus an unexpected guest in the form of Rory’s dad Brian, whom the TARDIS materialises around while he’s busy changing a light bulb). Without wasting any time, the episode gets right to the meat of the matter; the dinosaurs themselves, rendered with excellent CGI, who appear before the titles have even rolled, trapped aboard an ancient spacecraft on a crash course with Earth.
It seems like the set-up for a fun, simplistic but enjoyable episode, but unfortunately there are several flaws in Dinosaurs on a Spaceship, which let the story down and make it feel like a huge missed opportunity. Its biggest issue is the unevenness of the tone - one minute, The Doctor, Rory and Brian are comically riding a Triceratops as a method of escape while bickering robots (voiced by comedy duo Mitchell and Webb) chase behind them; the next, that same Triceratops is brutally gunned down by the robots, just so Solomon - their melodramatically malicious commander - can make a point. Portrayed by David Bradley, Solomon was another weak point in this story for me, his villainy and malevolence seeming decidedly over the top and unnecessary. When the Doctor doesn’t immediately help fix the pirate’s injured legs, he has the robots shoot at Brian as a form of coercion. Surely, not a smart move to anger the only man who can mend his crippling injuries? On many occasions it felt as though Bradley and the script were trying too hard to make Solomon seem despicable and evil, and although that plays into a moment towards the end of the episode that I’ll talk about later, it felt extremely out of place in an otherwise light-hearted story.
Though Bradley’s character was a little unsuitable for such a cheery episode, Mark Williams fitted in perfectly with his depiction of Brian. A practical, somewhat sheltered man, his interactions with Rory provided more than one heartwarming moment throughout the story, helped out enormously by the wonderful chemistry between Williams and Darvill, who honestly do feel like father and son here. Whilst I was expecting a lot more of the relationship-building between the two, the moments we did get (piloting the ship together, ‘it’s all about the pockets in this family’, Brian getting over his fear of travelling) really helped build up the character. I’m looking forward to seeing him return later this series in The Power of Three, where hopefully we’ll gain a little bit more of an insight into his developing relationship with the Ponds, now he knows the truth about their ‘travelling in Thailand’.
Unfortunately, not everybody in the Doctor’s new gang is given as much development and screen time as Brian. While the Doctor is hanging around with Williams senior and junior, Amy is left to explore the ship’s upper levels with Riddell and Nefertiti; this provided for some great dialogue (‘And you, Amy? Are you also a queen?’ ‘Yes. Yes I am.’) and several of their antics had me grinning, such as Riddell awkwardly hopping across a sleeping T-Rex and chuckling as he goes, but sadly neither of these new characters were given much of importance to do, aside from flirt with each other. Riddell’s sole contribution to the group seems to be shooting at things, and Nefertiti’s only real role as a character is to get taken hostage by Solomon in the final act. Though she handles it with a great deal of gusto, and her self-sacrifice for the sake of the dinosaurs is inspiring, the moment is very quickly glossed over and it left me feeling cheated that we got to spend so little time with two potentially very interesting characters.
This under-use of Rupert Graves and Riann Steele is not, I think, the only part of the episode that was mishandled. There were several moments throughout the story that I felt, had they been treated differently, could have made the story much more exciting. Although it was a great ‘ooh!’ moment when the ship was revealed to be Silurian in origin, the Silurians themselves were never really given much of an explanation; to casual viewers, it must have seemed rather baffling that a race of lizard people had inexplicably built an ark for the dinosaurs. With a little more exposition in the Silurian’s dialogue, this confusion could easily have been avoided. Furthermore, the Silurian’s line about ‘all but one of the species are thriving and ready to repopulate’ was something I immediately picked up on - what is the one species in particular that isn’t coping within the artificial environment of the ship, and why not? - but then that plot thread was dropped, and never mentioned again. Perhaps after Asylum of the Daleks, where several innocuous lines turned out to be vital clues (‘where do you get the milk?’), I’m just reading too much into the dialogue, but nonetheless I felt disappointed that this wasn’t picked up on later in the story.
Moreover, there were several plot points, minor and major, that felt just a little bit too convenient to be believable. The biggest example is the spaceship’s controls, which could only be controlled by two people ‘with the same gene code’. If this fact had been dropped in earlier on, perhaps during Solomon’s discussion with the Doctor in the medical bay, then it might have been a little bit less jarring when Rory ‘just so happens’ to have brought his dad along on this occasion. That wasn’t the only thing that threw me about this scene, as I also thought it was rather slow of the Doctor to not pick up immediately on the fact that Brian and Rory would share a gene code. I just feel that overall some of the exposition in this story was a little rushed, and that it wouldn’t have taken anything more than a few quick rewrites to remove many of the small, irritating issues with this episode.
In terms of the overarching story of the season, we do get a lovely little nugget of a scene where the Doctor and Amy discuss how their journeys together are becoming more and more infrequent, and a moment of foreshadowing for Amy and Rory’s imminent departure. More imposing, however, is the Doctor’s final scene with Solomon; the Doctor teleports away from the pirate’s escape ship, leaving him at the mercy of the Indian Space Agency’s heavy weaponry. This ruthless, merciless act on the Doctor’s behalf seems very dark and out of character for Eleven; however, I suspect that this new aspect of his character will be explored in detail, in next week’s A Town Called Mercy. This scene is most likely why writer Chris Chibnall felt the need to make Solomon such a downright evil character, so the Doctor could feasibly be driven to leaving him to die.
I’ve been quite critical of Dinosaurs on a Spaceship, so let me say to finish off that I didn’t hate this episode. There were, after all, plenty of great concepts and moments - the beach engine room, Amy and Riddell fighting off Velociraptors, Brian dangling his legs out into space as he tucks into a sandwich. But, equally so, there were the scenes that just didn’t sit right. The humour of the two robots, which often fell flat, and the Triceratops’ ridiculous obsession with Brian’s golf balls (Seriously? The ‘grassy residue’ on the balls was enough to make a fully grown dinosaur gallop after them in hunger?). The reason I’m being rather harsh on this story is because I can feel the potential here, the great romp of an episode that lies underneath the niggling flaws and whiplashing tone. Dinosaurs on a Spaceship is a troubled story, and it deserved to be better than it turned out to be. Still; it’s better than golf.
If you enjoyed this review, please consider following me on tumblr or twitter, or reading my review of last week’s Asylum of the Daleks. I'm actually very happy to say that this is my landmark 50th post on this blog! I've been doing this since last June, and - aside from the whole 'five month hiatus' from April to September - I think I've been doing okay. Here's to fifty more posts! Thank you for reading, and feel free to leave a comment letting me know what you thought.
Dinosaurs on a Spaceship,
Doctor Who,
Matt Smith,

Sunday, 2 September 2012
Total Screaming Genius
DOCTOR WHO IS BACK ON TV after near enough a nine
month absence - and to celebrate its return Moffat and the crew have
evidently decided to raise the bar on what makes a phenomenal Who story with Asylum of the Daleks.
The episode’s opening moments take place in the burnt-out ruins of a Skaro skyscraper, a sweeping shot of epic grandeur leading us to a hooded woman with a plea for the Doctor, begging him to save her daughter from the Dalek prison camps. It seems like the potential set-up for an entirely different story in its own right, but as usual with Moffat events rush on at light speed and the hood falls away to reveal a sinister and familiar eyestalk. Meanwhile, back on Earth, we find the Ponds in the middle of a marital crisis; they last just long enough to sign the divorce papers before they too are taken hostage by the Dalek slaves. The TARDIS trio are reunited in the midst of Dalek parliament, where they are greeted not with extermination, but with another plea for help. Save us. As the Doctor puts it - ‘Well, this is new!’
What unfolds as the episode progresses is not the grandiose action blockbuster many might have been expecting. There are certainly moments of that - the scenes with the parliament of the Daleks (sidenote: what an interesting concept, and such a shame it wasn’t explored further) are nothing if not bombastic, particularly when they’re all screaming in unison - but for the most part this is actually a very intimate, very intelligent series opener. Though not quite as complex as last year’s The Impossible Astronaut, which left many of the show’s more casual viewers scratching their heads, it still puts forward a lot of very clever ideas and doesn’t patronise its audience by slowing down whilst explaining them. Instead, it roars along at a rattling pace, as we watch the Doctor, Amy and Rory struggle to find a way out of the Asylum - a place for the broken and the battle-worn, the Daleks who are even madder (and quite possibly more dangerous for it) than most.
They are assisted in their escape by the spectacular Oswin Oswald, junior entertainment manager, stranded space explorer and total brilliant brainbox. Jenna-Louise Coleman’s surprise early arrival to the show is the highest point in an episode filled with high points. Her performance is at times hilarious, ingenious, self-assured and heartbreaking, and made all the more touching when the episode’s final big reveal rolls around. The whizz-bang wit of her dialogue with the Doctor (‘Is there a word for total screaming genius that sounds modest and a tiny bit sexy?’ ‘Doctor.’) is a testament both to the writing of the Moff and the performing skills of the pair involved, while her flirting with Rory provides more than one grin-worthy moment. It’s a pity that, Scotland one-liner aside, she doesn’t get much of a chance to interact with Amy, but you can’t have it all, and Amy does have her own problems to be getting on with - like the fact that she’s turning into a Dalek herself!
Speaking of which, it would be unfair to spend so much time praising the performance of the new Who girl without sparing a minute or two to talk about the Doctor’s present companions, Amy and Rory. Karen Gillan and Arthur Darvill have been gracing our screens for more than two years now, and yet their characters still seem to be growing and evolving and covering new ground. Rory’s interactions with the half-broken Daleks (‘Eggs?’) were surely cause for deafening laughter amongst audiences everywhere, whilst their scene together on the teleporter, as Amy refuses to let her husband try to save her by being ‘cold and logical’, reveal that even now they are still learning about each other, still growing closer, and still falling ever further in love. Though the bickering and the divorce seem extremely abrupt - and this, I think, is the one weak link in an otherwise solid episode - the resolution is satisfying enough on an emotional level that it can be forgiven.
And if we’re talking about acting, how could we possibly forget the man himself; Matt Smith? The Doctor displays a wide spectrum of emotion in Asylum of the Daleks, and not once is his performance anything less than top notch. His hatred of the Daleks - and their recognition of that hatred - harks back to Eccleston’s Dalek, and his manipulation of the Ponds in his attempts to fix everything is very McCoy. Add to that a dash of hyperspeed dialogue, some subtle tweaks of his bow tie, and even a little bit of pure, uncontrollable terror (not an emotion I think we’ve ever seen Eleven really truly display before) and you have another excellent episode for Smith. And while we’re on the subject of terror, let me introduce you to Harvey’s crewmates…
Moffat’s been promising an episode that will make the Daleks fearful again, and I’ve got to hand it to him, I can’t ever remember being this afraid of any other Dalek story. Though the two stand out moments are Harvey’s escape pod and the intensive care unit (both of which are extremely claustrophobic and horror film-esque), the entire story has a feeling of palpable tension, a sense of danger and death lurking just out of sight, around the corner. And if Oswin’s big twist doesn’t give you a nightmare or two, I think you might be a tiny bit mad. Ultimately, the Asylum feels like the stage for a survival horror escapade, featuring a ragtag band of unwilling explorers on a mission to return home safely, against terrifying odds.
Though Asylum of the Daleks raises more than one question - the issue of the Doctor’s supposed demise at the climax of last series, and the impact it has and could have on the Daleks, is raised - it by and large feels very much like its own creature, a self-contained, handcrafted masterpiece of a Doctor Who story. The arc-heavy approach of series six is gone, replaced with a renewed appreciation of the standalone and the sensational. The episode ends with just a touch of optimism, as the Doctor spirals round the TARDIS console, off on another adventure in another time, on another world. Though we know there are dark and difficult days on the horizon - the end of the Ponds, Oswin’s return, and of course the First Question - right now, it seems like all is well in the world of the Doctor. He’s not a predator - he’s just a man with a plan.
PS: Hello everybody, I'm back! It's been a while since my last blog post - early April, I believe. What can I say? I warned way back in my first post that I've always been a very temperamental blogger, and I just sort of lost interest in writing reviews and the like over the summer months. I don't know whether it's the threat of college lurking on the horizon or (more likely) the return of my beloved Who, but something's pushed me to start writing these again, and here we are. I can't say if posts on this blog will become a regular thing again or if I'll vanish for another six months after this, but I suppose we'll find out. Thanks for reading!
The episode’s opening moments take place in the burnt-out ruins of a Skaro skyscraper, a sweeping shot of epic grandeur leading us to a hooded woman with a plea for the Doctor, begging him to save her daughter from the Dalek prison camps. It seems like the potential set-up for an entirely different story in its own right, but as usual with Moffat events rush on at light speed and the hood falls away to reveal a sinister and familiar eyestalk. Meanwhile, back on Earth, we find the Ponds in the middle of a marital crisis; they last just long enough to sign the divorce papers before they too are taken hostage by the Dalek slaves. The TARDIS trio are reunited in the midst of Dalek parliament, where they are greeted not with extermination, but with another plea for help. Save us. As the Doctor puts it - ‘Well, this is new!’
What unfolds as the episode progresses is not the grandiose action blockbuster many might have been expecting. There are certainly moments of that - the scenes with the parliament of the Daleks (sidenote: what an interesting concept, and such a shame it wasn’t explored further) are nothing if not bombastic, particularly when they’re all screaming in unison - but for the most part this is actually a very intimate, very intelligent series opener. Though not quite as complex as last year’s The Impossible Astronaut, which left many of the show’s more casual viewers scratching their heads, it still puts forward a lot of very clever ideas and doesn’t patronise its audience by slowing down whilst explaining them. Instead, it roars along at a rattling pace, as we watch the Doctor, Amy and Rory struggle to find a way out of the Asylum - a place for the broken and the battle-worn, the Daleks who are even madder (and quite possibly more dangerous for it) than most.
They are assisted in their escape by the spectacular Oswin Oswald, junior entertainment manager, stranded space explorer and total brilliant brainbox. Jenna-Louise Coleman’s surprise early arrival to the show is the highest point in an episode filled with high points. Her performance is at times hilarious, ingenious, self-assured and heartbreaking, and made all the more touching when the episode’s final big reveal rolls around. The whizz-bang wit of her dialogue with the Doctor (‘Is there a word for total screaming genius that sounds modest and a tiny bit sexy?’ ‘Doctor.’) is a testament both to the writing of the Moff and the performing skills of the pair involved, while her flirting with Rory provides more than one grin-worthy moment. It’s a pity that, Scotland one-liner aside, she doesn’t get much of a chance to interact with Amy, but you can’t have it all, and Amy does have her own problems to be getting on with - like the fact that she’s turning into a Dalek herself!
Speaking of which, it would be unfair to spend so much time praising the performance of the new Who girl without sparing a minute or two to talk about the Doctor’s present companions, Amy and Rory. Karen Gillan and Arthur Darvill have been gracing our screens for more than two years now, and yet their characters still seem to be growing and evolving and covering new ground. Rory’s interactions with the half-broken Daleks (‘Eggs?’) were surely cause for deafening laughter amongst audiences everywhere, whilst their scene together on the teleporter, as Amy refuses to let her husband try to save her by being ‘cold and logical’, reveal that even now they are still learning about each other, still growing closer, and still falling ever further in love. Though the bickering and the divorce seem extremely abrupt - and this, I think, is the one weak link in an otherwise solid episode - the resolution is satisfying enough on an emotional level that it can be forgiven.
And if we’re talking about acting, how could we possibly forget the man himself; Matt Smith? The Doctor displays a wide spectrum of emotion in Asylum of the Daleks, and not once is his performance anything less than top notch. His hatred of the Daleks - and their recognition of that hatred - harks back to Eccleston’s Dalek, and his manipulation of the Ponds in his attempts to fix everything is very McCoy. Add to that a dash of hyperspeed dialogue, some subtle tweaks of his bow tie, and even a little bit of pure, uncontrollable terror (not an emotion I think we’ve ever seen Eleven really truly display before) and you have another excellent episode for Smith. And while we’re on the subject of terror, let me introduce you to Harvey’s crewmates…
Moffat’s been promising an episode that will make the Daleks fearful again, and I’ve got to hand it to him, I can’t ever remember being this afraid of any other Dalek story. Though the two stand out moments are Harvey’s escape pod and the intensive care unit (both of which are extremely claustrophobic and horror film-esque), the entire story has a feeling of palpable tension, a sense of danger and death lurking just out of sight, around the corner. And if Oswin’s big twist doesn’t give you a nightmare or two, I think you might be a tiny bit mad. Ultimately, the Asylum feels like the stage for a survival horror escapade, featuring a ragtag band of unwilling explorers on a mission to return home safely, against terrifying odds.
Though Asylum of the Daleks raises more than one question - the issue of the Doctor’s supposed demise at the climax of last series, and the impact it has and could have on the Daleks, is raised - it by and large feels very much like its own creature, a self-contained, handcrafted masterpiece of a Doctor Who story. The arc-heavy approach of series six is gone, replaced with a renewed appreciation of the standalone and the sensational. The episode ends with just a touch of optimism, as the Doctor spirals round the TARDIS console, off on another adventure in another time, on another world. Though we know there are dark and difficult days on the horizon - the end of the Ponds, Oswin’s return, and of course the First Question - right now, it seems like all is well in the world of the Doctor. He’s not a predator - he’s just a man with a plan.
PS: Hello everybody, I'm back! It's been a while since my last blog post - early April, I believe. What can I say? I warned way back in my first post that I've always been a very temperamental blogger, and I just sort of lost interest in writing reviews and the like over the summer months. I don't know whether it's the threat of college lurking on the horizon or (more likely) the return of my beloved Who, but something's pushed me to start writing these again, and here we are. I can't say if posts on this blog will become a regular thing again or if I'll vanish for another six months after this, but I suppose we'll find out. Thanks for reading!
Asylum of the Daleks,
Doctor Who,
Matt Smith,

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