1. Piano Man, by Billy Joel
My friend Mark, who's a fan of the likes of Billy Joel, Elton John, Frank Sinatra et al, has been trying to get me into their music for a while now. I've mostly been unenthusiastic about it, but that was before I heard Piano Man. Why Mark didn't just give me this to listen to, straight off the bat, is beyond me. It's one of the best songs I've ever listened to. I love everything about it; the harmonica, Billy Joel's voice, the video, the lyrics... It's so amazing. Certainly my favourite thing about this week.
2. The Theory of Evolution T-Shirt
Do you see that? Look at it. Look at it. That is Charles Darwin studying a pokeball. There are Charmander-line skulls on his shelf. And a Togepi egg. And a Blastoise shell. He has a Seadra in a jar. Now imagine that image was available for print, on a T-shirt. Oh wait, it is. I have never seen a cooler Pokemon based image.
3. Extra Credits on Race In Games
Extra Credits, for those who don't know, is a video series (and a damn good one) about video games as a medium. They've been doing great videos every week for a while now, and sometime I'll have to do a blog post about them, and the website that hosts them, the Escapist. Add it to the list of future blog ideas. But anyway, this week they did a video that stood out to me especially. Not because of the topic ( though that was very interesting, and is definitely worth listening to), but because of an announcement they made at the beginning and end of the video. I won't go into detail here - you'll have to watch the video for that - but basically the crew of Extra Credits asked for help when they needed it, and the internet responded in force. The whole thing just made me feel happy for a little while.
4. the A-Team by Ed Sheeran
Blogspot isn't letting me post two youtube videos in one entry, so I'll have to give you a link to this one.
This isn't usually my kind of music, but after someone on twitter posted a few lines of the lyrics, I gave it a listen and I really enjoyed it. It's just a great song. Not really much else to say about it, but yeah.
5. Jake's Porn Shorts
It was only a matter of time before I brought up Jake in this blog. Jake, for the uninformed, is a friend of mine famous (or perhaps infamous) for his legendary antics and misadventures, most of which make amusing ancedotes, and this one is no exception. Basically, for our school sports day, anyone involved in a race/sport thing had to turn up in shorts, or 'PE clothes', and as Jake was doing the tug-of-war he came in shorts. The shorts were the funny part.
Basically, they were black, but covered in pictures of, shall we say, scantily-dressed women on beaches, with every picture a different pastelly colour of orange or blue or green. The spectacle of Jake, sitting there wearing these shorts, was funny enough, but it became better when he explained that 'His nan had bought them for him, because she couldn't see the pictures and had thought they were just colourful.' Things just went uphill/downhill from there, depending on your perspective, with several teachers wandering past and spotting the shorts, with varied reactions. Mrs. Lee's cry of 'But those are erotic shorts!' probably wins the award for funniest reaction.
The climax of the hilarity was when the headteacher, Pout himself, turned up and, when quizzed on the shorts, said 'Yes, they're fine.' We're almost certain he didn't see the pictures properly and just thought they were colourful, but still, it was absolutely fantastic. The funniest thing that's happened all week.
That's all for now. Hopefully I'll get one of the many blog posts I actually promised done sometime in the near future. Until then, adios!
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