
Wednesday, 4 January 2012

The Festive Season

In the two weeks since I last wrote a blog post, Christmas, the new year, and my birthday have all come and gone. So I thought I would sum up the past two weeks in a short blog post, since quite a lot of stuff has happened.

My cousins from Birmingham came up to see us around Christmas, which was nice (me and my family actually stayed in Birmingham for a few days about half a week before, so we've seen a lot of each other recently). We took them on a 'scenic tour' of the area; which basically involved walking through quite a lot of fields, then going to a pub. We ended up taking them to see the Dream, which is a sculpture on an old mining site. I got a picture of it, and it's basically just a twenty meter high girl's head. It looks almost false up close, like the face is just shadows cast by the sun in a certain way. It's a little odd to look at.

Unfortunately, as you can see from the photo, there wasn't any proper snow this year. We got a couple of days of slippy, ice slush that might have technically been snow if you squinted at it, but nothing in the way of proper, snowman-building, snowball fight snow. I'm still holding out for some early January snow like we got last year and the year before, but it's getting less and less likely every day.

Anyway, after my cousins went home, the rest of the holidays were pretty plain for me. I spent pretty much a whole day rewatching old episodes of Misfits after I got a boxset for Christmas, and another day playing Red Dead Redemption non-stop. The non-excitement climaxed on new year's eve, which I spent sat inside listening to music and generally not having fun. We set off a couple of lanterns around midnight (two of which crashed landed into somebody's back garden, oops) and watched the fireworks for a while, but that was pretty much it.

Then there was my birthday, which is the 2nd of January. I've been sixteen for a few days, and so far it's pretty much exactly the same as being fifteen. Also, I got this:

Which, as you can see, is extremely awesome in every way.

And, well, that's pretty much it. No wonder I don't do blogs about my actual life more often, this was kind of dull. Oh well. Hopefully I can use 2012 to do more genuinely exciting things. Until those exciting things, however, I'm done for now, so thank you for reading.

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