I was pretty busy last week, so there was no Friday Night Who UK update - because of that, you're getting this week's update very early. In fact, we only finished watching the Krotons about an hour ago. So, to recap; two weeks ago me and Mark watched the Rescue with William Hartnell, which was fun and had a pretty neat twist (neat by 60s standards, mind you). This week, we saw the Krotons, with Patrick Troughton. It got off to a shaky start (Mark forgot it was Friday and wasn't at home), so we ended up starting a half hour late. Fortunately, after that there were no major problems and we had a great time - our friend Luke, who can be found on twitter at @LukeMurphy96, even joined in. It's an average story, but the Doctor, Zoe and Jamie make it worth watching. The twitter discussion was also especially good fun this week - we had a great talk about esteemed Classic Who writer Robert Holmes, and Luke's comment of 'Why do the Krotons sound like they're from Yorkshire?' was absolutely hilarious.

Thanks for reading, and I hope you can join us for Friday Night Who UK next week! Also, a side note: Doctor Who is back on TV tommorow! WOOH!
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