(If you haven't the foggiest what Friday Night Who UK is or why I'm talking about it, click on
this link.)
We've had some real bad luck over the last few weeks with Friday Night Who UK. Two weeks ago we desynchronised video times halfway through - we ended up watching the episode at different times. Last week my twitter feed froze up for most of the second half of the viewing. And this week, Mark's entire street suffered a black-out, which lead to him missing the majority of the episode (we were supposed to be watching
Death to the Daleks). Will our apparently endless stream of bad luck ever cease? Success is turning out to be the exception, rather than the rule, which is pretty irritating. Don't worry, one day we'll run a failure-free showing.
We finished up our (problem-ridde

n) Pertwee trilogy last time, so for this Friday's edition of Friday Night Who UK we're moving on to the 4th Doctor, aka Tom Baker! The episode we'll be watching this week is
The Ark in Space. Baker's first full, post-regeneration story as the Doctor, this episode takes place in the far future on the space station Nerva. It's also notable for being Harry Sullivan's first trip in the TARDIS! If you want to join us this week, follow me on twitter at @KingOrokos and Mark at @VortexTravel. Remember to use the #FridayNightWhoUK hashtag, and also this week the #TheArkInSpace hashtag. We'll be starting at our usual time of 7pm, or 1pm if you're in America.
Thanks for reading, and please do join us for
The Ark in Space!
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