Okay, we've got quite a few bumps on the road ahead for Friday Night Who UK in the next three weeks, so this is an emergency update to inform everybody of the crises. Here is the (revised) schedule for the next three weeks, and the reasons behind the changes.
On the 29th July, we had originally planned to watch The Ark in Space; however, due to outside commitments neither me nor Mark will have computer access on Friday night, which means that watching the episode as usual would be impossible. Because of this, we're going to switch to plan B and, for one week only, move Friday Night Who UK to a Thursday. This means that we will be viewing The Ark in Space at the regular time of 7pm, but on the 28th of July. We'll still be using the usual hashtag of #FridayNightWhoUK, though, for the sake of simplicity.
On the 5th August, we will be viewing Revenge of the Cybermen, or at least, that's the plan. Unfortunately, I will once again be out of the country on that day, as I leave for a holiday in Greece on the 4th. Mark, however, should be available on that day so long as nothing else comes up, so he will be running Friday Night Who UK on that date on his own. Fortunately, Keith (of the Traveling the Vortex podcast) is due to join us on the 5th, so Mark won't be alone. It's really disappointing that I won't be able to join Keith, as he usually isn't able to participate due to time differences, and I'm pretty annoyed that I'm not going to be there on this occasion. So, Mark will be leading Friday Night Who UK and Revenge of the Cybermen on the 5th if all goes to plan.
On the 12th August, the episode we had scheduled to watch is Dragonfire. Sadly, I will still be in Greece on that date (I return on the 14th) so once again Mark will be on his own running the show. We're going to try and drum up some alternate contacts to participate for that week, so he isn't forced to go solo, and if we do find anyone I will update twitter to let everybody know. For now, however, Mark will be going alone on the 12th. If anyone wants to join in on that date (it will be the regular time, 7pm in the UK or 1pm in the US), it would mean a lot to us.
Thank you very much for reading. I'm really sorry that I've messed up the schedules with these holidays and trips out - I should have planned for this in advance, rather than cobbling together some last minute backup plan. To sum up; on the 28th (tommorow), we will be watching The Ark in Space; on the 5th Mark and Keith will be watching Revenge of the Cybermen; and on the 12th Mark will be watching Dragonfire. Any additional updates or changes will be made via twitter, so keep an eye out there - you can follow me at @KingOrokos. Though, of course, please be aware I won't be able to update between the 4th and the 14th.
Oh, and one last note: Mark recently changed his twitter handle. He is no longer @VortexTravel; instead, he is @Marcus_Joan. If you want to speak to him or follow him, do so there. Also, please note that Keith can be found at @VortexKeith, and his podcast at @TravelVortex. That's all for now!
How will Mark be watching Dragonfire. Has it been released on DVD over there? It hasn't here yet. Or is there someplace online to watch it?
ReplyDeleteWatch it online? Are you suggesting we watch our classic Who episodes illegally?! Don't be absurd. I abolish all forms of illegal viewing. And if I happened to post a link to a website where you could watch Dragonfire for free(such as http://www.dailymotion.com/playlist/x12oku_tardismedia_dragonfire#videoId=xag41e), I would strongly discourage anyone from clicking on it. Definitely. *cough*
ReplyDeleteHello readers! Just a friendly notice to say that Friday Night Who UK scheduled for today isn't happening. Blame Mark.